Inspire Collaboration. Drive Productivity.

Some of the best ideas come to you while you’re away from your desk, sharing a snack or a cup of coffee with a colleague.

How do you inspire more creativity and productivity in your workplace? With a customized office pantry providing free food and drinks for your employees. Let Florida Fresh build the perfect office pantry for you.

What is the Florida Fresh Pantry Service?

We create a tailor-made office pantry and an upgraded breakroom experience, stocking beautiful, professional shelving, baskets, bulk snack dispensers, and glass-front coolers with a broad range of products. Offering a free food and drink pantry turns your breakroom into a true destination that inspires collaboration and allows you to differentiate your employment brand.

Employees are a your greatest asset. Florida Fresh Pantry helps you keep them focused, fueled, and productive.

What Your Employees Eat Makes a Real Impact

Conventional wisdom is right: You are what you eat! Do your part to encourage workplace wellness by offering healthy options in your office pantry.

Employees with a healthier diet are more productive. Employees with unhealthy eating habits are 21% more likely to miss work, and are 11% less productive than their healthier co-workers.

What we eat affects our focus levels. Hunger and poor dietary choices make employees more easily distracted, and some studies suggest that diet can actually impact how our brains function.

The post-lunch slump can kill productivity. That early afternoon sluggishness can drive employees to seek a quick snack or a cup of coffee – and a well-stocked office pantry can help inspire some impromptu collaboration in the breakroom and turn an unproductive time into an opportunity to innovate.

Customize Your Office Pantry with Florida Fresh

As the largest independent office pantry provider in Florida, we can customize your solution to best suit your needs. With service centers in Jacksonville, Tampa, Melbourne, and Orlando, we can provide localized service to employers across north and central Florida.

Here are some of the benefits a Florida Fresh Pantry can offer your workplace:

Enhanced breakroom appearance with professional, beautiful storage and displays for snacks and beverages

Wide range of products, including “Better for You” items to meet company health initiatives and help employees be healthier and more productive, as well as more traditional items

Regularly rotated product selection to keep the office pantry fresh and exciting

Strong inventory control that allows you to better manage costs for this employee benefit and ensure all employees are served equally

Time and worry saved by letting Florida Fresh manage all aspects of your office pantry, freeing you up to focus on your core objectives

Design and customize your ultimate breakroom with pantry service from Florida Fresh, and reap the benefits of greater employee creativity and productivity. Get in touch with us today.